Friday 19 October 2012

Ill health...

Felled again. No, not cancer. It is what I believe is called psychiatric injury. I have been struggling for some time with panic attacks and anxiety. On Wednesday, I reached a crisis point. I could not go on being brave, coping, pretending all was well* (*delete as appropriate) How I came to this is irrelevant at present. I need to concentrate on getting well. Someone I greatly respect said 'Take your own advice' I am going to do so. So making pictures, reading, sewing for grandchildren and some cooking are all going to occupy me.


  1. That sounds good advice. Take care and heal soundly xx

  2. I cannot tell you how much I admire you. Your beauty and courage are beyond words.



  3. Hi Ali, I have been away from the blogging community for a couple of months, so I am just catching up. I think it is understandable to feel like this at times. Do not beat yourself up, just enjoy doing things that will make you happy. Thinking about you xx

  4. Assissi, I am taking my own advice and I have started healing.
    Theresa, You are very kind, and a wonderful inspiration to me through your thought provoking posts. Polly Dolly, my Macmillan counsellor is supporting me and helping me get back on track. Saw her today and she is pleased with my early progress.

  5. Only just caught up with this post... really hope that you are getting the space and support you need.
